Welcome Kestra!
Laci, thank you for inviting me to your website. I’m Kestra Gravier, author of
several erotic novels with a BDSM theme.
I like to live near water and at various times have lived on the shores
of the Eastern Seaboard, Ohio River Valley and Lac Léman. Several career changes and way too much education supply me
with a vast array of plot drivers.
in the Great Hall at Hampton Court Palace? Flirtation with a Louisville iron
sculptor? Zero-gravity flogging? I hope to let you experience the
sensations, the settings and the romance for yourself.
What are you working on now?
Last year, I won the BDSM
Writer Con inaugural Book Contest with ‘Silver Chasings’ and I’ve been working
with the publisher to finish the edits. Now, the release date is almost here!
March 31, 2015 to be exact.
It’s always a rush to see a book that started as an idea take form, then be
refined by working with editors and reviewers, to finally see the galleys just
prior to release. Then there’s the anticipation and fear of waiting to see how
the book will be received. It’s kind of
like that moment when you’ve left the diving board, but before you hit the
After a visit to
Hampton Court Palace outside of London, I wondered how BDSM might have been
practiced in Henry VIII’s rather licentious court. And because I like spy
novels, Lady Elinor earned her keep working for Lord Wysse, a Tudor spymaster (Dark River: Lady Elinor at Hampton Court).
Encounters grew from my enjoyment of lingerie (New Orleans and
Paris being two favored sources) and the ‘what if’ an old flame re-entered your
life after you had an established career.
On my website, kestragravier.com, there is a short story- Hangar- available for download.
Tell me a little more about Silver
Garrick Jefferson Custis is the respected leader of Tempest,
a BDSM club, and a man looking to make a change. He has his contractor
business, willing submissives, and good friends. But he wants a relationship
outside of the lifestyle. Quin Landry fled the BDSM scene after a messy
divorce. Now, she is ready to try again, to fill in a missing piece. She just
wants to have a little fun, find a Dom to be part of her life.
Change may not be what Garrick needs to make his life whole.
With a little help from his friends, and the right submissive, he may just
realize what he has been chasing is actually already in his grasp. I hope
you’ll want to meet Garrick and Quintana, and become immersed in the lives of
Club Tempest members.
Here’s an excerpt for you…
“Oh, for God’s sake. How’d you get tangled in
The cat arched and spit, fluffing her already
impressive size, and tugged on the vine entrapping her front leg.
Skirting past Bastet, she said, “Let me get
dressed, and then I’ll get you out of there.” Another angry wail stopped her in
her tracks. A repeat glance around reassured Quin the cat racket had not
brought forth any curious neighbors. Good, considering her current state of dishabille,
but Quin hoped she never had to raise a real alarm midday. “Okay, baby. I’ll
get you free.”
She crouched and stroked Bastet, calming her,
crooning reassurance as her fingers worked to release the vine’s grip.
“Whoa! What?” A man’s voice stilled her from
pulling the cat loose. She rose and whirled, keys flying loose, clutching
Bastet across her torso like a fluffy towel. Never had she been so grateful for
the Maine Coon’s size.
“Miss Landry. Pleasure to…see you again,” a
second voice spoke.
Bastet made mewling protests as Quin squeezed
the wriggling fur mass and slewed her gaze between the two men standing on her
walkway. Oh, so not good.
In the midst of her panic, she entertained a
fleeting regret the midday sun did not flatter a body past its twenty-something
The contractor Nicole had introduced her
to—Garrick somebody—filled the path, so his companion had to stand a half pace
behind. A few inches over six feet, he had dark hair shot with gray that waved
from his face and flowed over his collar. Powerful forearms showed below his
rolled sleeves. Thigh muscles outlined by….
He removed his sunglasses and smiled at her,
the lazy grin revealing a dimple and reminding her she wore nothing but a cat.
Bastet’s tail swished along her thigh, letting Quin know she wouldn’t be
wearing this cat for much longer.
“I think you dropped your keys,” the man who
had first spoken said. A sun-streaked blond shorter than Garrick, his T-shirt
pulled across his pectorals and jeans rode low on his hips. He gestured toward
the plant bed.
“Oh.” her gaze darted from the plants to
Garrick and his companion. Bastet growled and began to struggle.
“Quin.” Garrick’s tone calmed her, and she
loosened her grip on the cat. “Stand there for a moment, and Tyler will
retrieve your keys and unlock your door. Then you can put down…whatever that
is…and go into the house. We’ll return in thirty minutes.”
“She’s a Maine Coon,” Quin said. Heat spread
from her chest to her face. She assumed an unbecoming redness accompanied the
flushed feeling. “I mean, thank you. Your plan will work.”
That’s quite a situation to
be in!
Yes, it is. Later in
the story, Quin finds herself in a predicament bondage scene at a play
Thank you for visiting with
us and we eagerly look forward to reading “Silver Chasings!”
It was a pleasure to chat with you, Laci.
Pleasure was all mine, come back any time!
***PURCHASE LINKS*** for Silver Chasings:
Pleasure was all mine, come back any time!
***PURCHASE LINKS*** for Silver Chasings: